From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Using video filters

Using video filters

- [Instructor] At the bottom of the Video Properties panel are filters that you can apply to your clips to create a custom look for your footage. Now, if you're following along, I'm in the Video Filters project where I'd like to create a soft blur effect for this footage that's been captured from my virtual reality headset and then smoothly transition back to a sharp focus at about eight seconds. Now, to create this look, jump your scrubber to where you want the transition to take place, then press the T key to split the video. Then drag the upstream clip up to the next track and perform a trim edit on the original clip to restore the clip back to the beginning of the timeline. Then jump your scrubber down to the middle of the other clip and select it so you can apply a video filter to create your look. Now, you add a video filter by clicking the plus button and then selecting from one of the six categories of filters. Now, at first glance, this may not seem like a very impressive…
