From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Publishing to YouTube

Publishing to YouTube

- [Instructor] When you're finished editing and refining your story, it's time to share your project with the world. Now, if you're following along, I'm in the YouTube project, and the sharing options are all found up here under the file menu down near the bottom, and they're listed as publish to, export, and batch export. In the publish to section, you can share your movie directly with several web-based services, including Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, and Wistia. Now, if you're not familiar with Wistia, it's a great cloud-based service for hosting or streaming video content on that you plan to embed directly into your business or institution site. Now, all of these publish two options work in a similar way, therefore, let's look at the most common type of publishing service that you'll likely use, and that is publishing to YouTube. When you select publish to YouTube, a sheet will pull down for you to set up the basic export settings. For video encoding, you can select what size you…
