From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training

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Adjusting audio properties

Adjusting audio properties

- [Instructor] We can all forgive bad video, but we can't tolerate bad audio. In this movie we'll explore the tools and strategies to improve your audio. Now if you're following along, I'm in the audio effects project where I have some audio that was recorded with ScreenFlow and a music track that I created in Logic Pro X. Now the first key to getting good audio is to capture the cleanest and highest quality audio that you can during the recording process. Now the better your audio quality starts at, the fewer problems you'll need to fix in post. Now typically I'll edit my screen cast and then do a final cleanup on my audio. Now since you'll likely have cuts in your audio track, a good trick for selecting all of the clips on a single track is to double click the head of the track here. Then as you make adjustments get in the habit of listening to the before and after of each adjustment. And the most common adjustments that you'll need to make to your audio is to adjust the volume…
