From the course: Revit: Twinmotion Workflow

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Weather functions

Weather functions

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to talk all about Twinmotion and its weather functions. Not only is it easy to manipulate weather into emotion, but I think it's one of the chief factors in creating dramatic moods and effects in my visualizations, I'm going to talk about three different things. We'll cover the basics of weather. We'll talk about how to create a great nighttime render. And then finally, we'll talk about reflections and haze. To use the weather functions in Twinmotion. We first need to set up some views. So we're going to zoom in here and capture a view that we really like next we'll click on image and then we'll click create image now to access the weather functions. We click on more and we can look at location first. Location allows us to choose any place on the globe. I'm going to choose somewhere in the Midwest. We then can manipulate the time of day, which obviously changes the sun and…
