From the course: Revit: Twinmotion Workflow

Nighttime renders

- [Instructor] We're going to talk now about how to create a beautiful nighttime render. To create the nighttime image, I want to first find the position, the view that I want to use. I'm going to use something like this close to the ground. I want to be able to capture the moon and the sky. I also want to get some light from this streetlight. Now that I have the view that I want, I'm going to click create image. I'll then click on more. And the first thing I'm going to do is play with the time of day. I'll click on location and use the time of day slider, adjust it to early, early morning. Next, I'm going to play with the north offset to try to position the moon in a position that works, something like that. And once I have something I like, I'll go back to my image, and click on refresh. Don't worry if your house seems a little bit too dark, our next step is to add some lights. Go to your library, click on lights, and we're going to use two different types of light. The first is the area light, and the next is the omnidirectional light. I'll start with the area light. The area light acts like a light box that you can place within your scene. I'm going to place it right here. When I select the light, I'll have some options. If you look at the length and the width, you can start to understand how this light works. You're able to control how much area that the light will illuminate. Next, I'm going to use a omnidirectional light. I'm going to place it underneath the eaves. And when I select this light, I can play with the intensity, as well as the radius. I want to make sure that the shadows are turned on. And once I have something I like, I'll select it, press shift, and create a copy. I've gone ahead and added some additional omnidirectional lights underneath the roof, and I've lowered the intensity of all the different lights.
