From the course: Revit: Twinmotion Workflow

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Add furniture

Add furniture

- [Instructor] All right. So we're going to start working on adding some furniture. Please open up the exercise file. Now, before we add any furniture, we're going to do a couple things first. We're going to play with some of the general settings that are going to help create some good looking images. We're then going to create a series of views, both interior and exterior, that we'll be developing later. Setting up these general settings now will allow the settings to be adopted into all future views. We can always adjust the settings later in individual images. So the first thing we're going to work on is our lighting. Click into Settings and then find Lighting. And let's play with exposure. Maybe drop that down a little bit. The white balance, maybe bump that up. You don't need to play with shadow yet. You can tweak the ambient lighting a little bit. Again, we'll probably play with some of these in future views.…
