From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Using Excel and Dynamo to batch process line styles

Using Excel and Dynamo to batch process line styles

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Using Excel and Dynamo to batch process line styles

that could go into a Revit model, get a list of all the line styles, take one of those line styles and swap it out with a different line style on the list. And it worked pretty well but it was manual 'cause you had to go line style by line style and do them one at a time. This week what we're going to do I encourage you to do that now. But to just point out a few things that are important here. I'm working in Revit 2019 and in Dynamo 2.0. So you need to be in at least in those versions. If you don't have Dynamo 2.0 installed you need to get that installed, or you'll have to build this graph yourself. I walked through the graph in the previous video, but it goes through and selects all the lines. It queries their line style. It groups by those line styles. Finds those unique items and then based on user input up here, it swaps one line style with another and then finally over here, it actually makes the change in…
