From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Enhanced realistic visual style

Enhanced realistic visual style

- [Instructor] A nice new enhancement in Revit 2021 is some significant improvements to the realistic visual style. So, traditionally the most noticeable thing about the realistic visual style was its ability to display the textures of your materials directly in the viewport and that's still the case in 2021, but we now have several additional features that previously were only available within the rendering dialogue. In other words, to get some of those benefits, you had to actually render the model and now they're available directly in realistic visual style in nearly real time. So, the first thing is to open up the visual styles pop up here and choose realistic. So, of course, the first thing you'll notice is what I just described is that all of the material textures will turn on, so we're seeing a terrazzo material on the floor and some woodgrains on the window frames and of course the trees off in the distance…
