From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Dimension equality formulas

Dimension equality formulas

- If you're using an Equality Dimension there's a couple ways you can customize the display of the values that it shows. So, let's take a look at some of those options. So by default, an Equality Dimension is going to show the EQ symbol. If you select the dimension, you can see that over here on the properties palate, where it says Equality Display, and it will default to Equality Text. Now the Equality Text is a user defined value that you input into the dimension type. Right here it says that I'm using a Linear Dimension Style, and the type name is Linear 3/32" Arial. If I edit that type, there's a lot of settings in here, but if I scroll down near the bottom you'll see that next to Equality Text we have the letters EQ. If you want, you can change that to any other value that you prefer, and when you click OK it will display that new value for any dimension string where you choose Equality Text. So that's the first…
