From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Configuring linear dimension types

Configuring linear dimension types

- [Instructor] This week and next week, I want to take a look at dimension types. So this week we're going to focus on linear dimension types. And then next week, we'll look at some of the other types that you can configure. Now, the dimension types have lots of different settings that you can customize, so you can get nearly any look for the dimensions that you need to meet your office standards. Now to help us get started here, I've created two versions of a simple file that are based on the template that's included with the US installation, the installation of revenue in the United States. This is the imperial version of that file. And you can see that I've got each of the different types of dimensions that are included in that file represented here. And I've placed some text next to each one to indicate the names of those types. I've also provided a metric version of the same file if you prefer to work in metric…
