From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Ceiling-based light fixture issues

Ceiling-based light fixture issues

- [Instructor] I've been working with some of the out-of-the-box light fixture families recently and if you'll pardon the pun, I'm going to shine a spotlight on some of the issues that I found here this week. So, let's start here in this reflected ceiling plan. I've got two spaces left and right, and here on the left, if I make a window around all of the light fixtures, you'll see that when I get about halfway to the room, there's one light fixture that's behaving a little strangely there. So notice that there is a light fixture here, it's just not displaying correctly. Now if you pan over to the right-hand side, you'll find some similar behaviors that are also strange like it looks like some of these lights are only displaying half of the fixture and then some of them are kind of skewed at strange angles. So, what's going on with all of these fixtures here? Well, the first thing that you want to know is that the ceiling on…
