From the course: Revit: Sprinkler Design

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Adjusting mechanical settings

Adjusting mechanical settings

From the course: Revit: Sprinkler Design

Adjusting mechanical settings

- [Instructor] Once we have our views ready to go we can check out the mechanical settings. Most of the predefined settings are usually kinda good to go, but some look a little funny. I like to visit these settings just to make sure we like what we see. Let's jump into Revit. Under projects let's go open. And I, of course, am going to browse around keeping my exercise files. Then I will click open. Go to the systems tab and notice that we have settings here. Under mechanical, I'd like to click this little mechanical settings button right here. They couldn't possibly make it any smaller. So here's how our review looks globally. If remember previously, we did visibility graphics and then we created view templates. This is different. This is overall global mechanical settings. So anything we change here is gonna change in the entire model. Every single view. Hidden line, when item runs underneath another item, this is about what I like to see. But for line styles, we can create and apply…
