From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

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Workset ownership and permissions

Workset ownership and permissions - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

Workset ownership and permissions

- [Instructor] As you're working away on your local copy of the central model when you're work sharing in Revit, you have worksets that are assigned to you. It means no one else can actually use that workset while it's assigned to you and you're editing it. That's why you have this editing request up here. Now, I can't actually do this 'cause I'm not connected to anybody, so to speak, with collaborators and a central model on the server. The central model is purely sitting on my hard drive on my laptop right now. But what it does is it displays a list of other users request to borrow elements in your worksets, the ones that are signed out to you. So anybody that wants to edit something that you've got signed out, you can actually say yes you can edit that for the moment. When they're finished, they hit a button to say they finished editing and then obviously that workset is set up with you again. Now, you can also retract…
