From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

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Working with suitable project units

Working with suitable project units - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

Working with suitable project units

- [Narrator] We're starting a new chapter now and we're going to start looking at working with CAD drawings as part of our BIM workflow. A lot of revit models are developed off of the 2D CAD drawing, the floor plan. So as you can see on the screen, I'm using AutoCAD 2020, and we've got a drawing for you in the library to follow along with, which is 1031SouthEastMadison_level1.dwg and now the drawing itself is in metric millimeters, I hadn't said to add. But that's the most important part of your BIM workflow, is making sure that all of your units are consistent and follow through all the way from the 2D CAD drawing, from that up to your revit 3D model. So, the idea is, is to make sure that those units are correct at the outset. So let's imagine that this particular floor plan has been sent through by a third party for us to use to start developing our revit model. Now I'll show you how to bring these CAD drawings into…
