From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

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Setting up and scaling a view

Setting up and scaling a view - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

Setting up and scaling a view

- [Instructor] We're starting a new chapter now in our course and we're going to be looking at detail and drafting views in Revit, and how they become part of your BIM workflow. In the previous chapters in the course, we've looked at generating sheets and also floor plans and working with 3D views and so on, now it's all wonderful seeing this in a holistic way, but you're going to want to see details like connection details of steel work or roof parapet details and how the roof parapet is constructed and little sort of details like that, that are really important when the sheets get published and go out for construction as part of that BIM workflow. So the detail and drafting views are very easy to create in Revit, and we've got a new project to work on, it's 1031, Southeast Madison, Project 002, again, it's a Revit 2020 RVT file, so you will need Revit 2020 to view the file. Now when we start working with…
