From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

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Creating a legend view to go with a schedule on a sheet

Creating a legend view to go with a schedule on a sheet - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Optimize Your BIM Workflow

Creating a legend view to go with a schedule on a sheet

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our 1031 SE Madison project 003.rvt file, and you can see that we're in our A-3 Schedules sheet view and you can see our Door Schedule 001 has been added to that A-3 Schedules sheet as well. Now one of the really cool things about Revit is you can create what they call legend views. Now these legend views are fantastic because you can add views of all the Revit families that you're using, and actually have a legend to show, for example, in this case, our types of doors that are in our door schedule. So we're going to go to the View tab on the Rivet ribbon and into the Create panel and click on Legends here. And we just want a regular legend, not a keynote legend, so we go Legend, like so. Now the new legend view, I'm going to call this Door Schedule 001. Now do you see why I put the number in there, to avoid confusion. So we're going to go Door Schedule 001. And that'll go in at…
