From the course: Revit: Industrialized Construction

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The industry-wide use of BIM

The industry-wide use of BIM - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Industrialized Construction

The industry-wide use of BIM

- [Instructor] We're staying in our new commercial building 2021.RVT file. And what we're going to have a look at now is the industry wide use of BIM, especially with Revit. Now, the lovely thing about Revit is I can explain all of this just by looking at something in our Revit model. Now, let me just jump back to our 3D view. At the moment, we're looking at the level one floor plan. I'll jump back to that in a moment. I want to jump back to our 3D view here in the browser. Now bear in mind your project browser might be in a different place on the screen, if you haven't used Revit before. I always like to dock my project browser on the right, and my properties palette on the left. That's my personal preference. It's up to you where you dock them on your screen as you work with Revit. So you'll notice our new commercial building 2021 is a 3D model. All of our models in Revit are 3D. So there's our default 3D view.…
