From the course: Revit 2025: Essential Training for Architecture

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Multistory stairs

Multistory stairs

- [Instructor] When you build a stair in Revit, initially it will span from one level to another. But it's possible to select additional levels, and create what Revit calls a multi-story stair. So in this video, I want to talk about that concept. And I'm going to demonstrate it in the context of the sample architectural project that comes with the software. Now, it's possible that you might see it right here on your recent files area of the home screen. But chances are, you're not going to see it displayed there because you're going to see your own recent files here. So if that's the case, come up here to the top and click this back button here. That takes you back to the ribbon interface. Open up the file menu, highlight open, scroll down here to sample files and click it, and that will display a window with all of the sample files. Scroll down to the bottom, and you're looking for Snowden Towers Sample Architectural. And this is the file that we want to open. Now, you must open this…
