From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Adding solid geometry: Blends

Adding solid geometry: Blends

- [Instructor] So there's just a little bit more geometry that we need to add to finish up this pool table's form and that is some legs. To do that, In this video, we're going to create blends. So I'm going to start as we have before in the ref level floor plan. I'm going to zoom in just a touch here. And then I want to set the work plane and I'm going to choose the ref level to put the work plane back down on the floor. Next I will add some new reference planes. So remember we're not using reference line we're using reference planes and the keyboard shortcut is RP. Now I always draw my reference planes a little bit longer than they need to be, so don't snap it directly to anything. Kind of pull away from that. And I'm going to click right about here below the pool table and pull that straight up vertically to about the same amount on the opposite side. Then I'm going to go right next to it and draw a second one the same…
