From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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View range

View range

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to focus on the vertical aspect of a plan views extends and that is something we refer to as view range. Now, in this video, the view range has a lot of settings. And in this video, I'm going to focus on the cut plane. So when you consider a floor plan, such as the example that I have shown here, what it really is is a horizontal slice through the building. Anywhere that we intersect that cut plane, that plane that's slicing through it, we typically use a bold line to render the geometry in that location, like this bold line around the walls. And then geometry that appears off in the distance below that cut, we typically render a little bit lighter, like you see here at the sills of these windows. So what I'd like to do is switch it over to Revit here and consider a simple example. So I'm going to focus on these two windows, here and here, on the exterior of this conference room on…
