From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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View extents and crop regions

View extents and crop regions

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about view extends and cropping. So we're going to focus on cropping first, but view extends is actually a little bit more than just cropping. But we'll start with a cropping example here in the level one floor plan. As you can see, I'm seeing not only the building, but a lot of the surrounding site context that might be appropriate for the site plan, but it's probably not what I want to see in the level one floor plan. So cropping is going to allow me to reduce what this view is showing, and focus in on just the area that I'm interested in. And there's a really practical reason that you want to consider doing that. If we scroll down here to the sheets branch, and then open up the a one floor plan sheet, kind of zoom out a little bit here, you can see that if we don't crop the view, it doesn't fit on the sheet. I'm going to click back here to level one and let's…
