From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Using constraints

Using constraints

- [Instructor] In this video I want to talk a little bit about constraints. Now constraints are rules that you can build into your model to maintain your design intent. So it could be as something as simple as fixing a certain dimension that you want to maintain or keeping objects equally spaced or aligning them with one another. There's lots of different types of constraints that we can apply. So let's go ahead and take a look at some examples here. Now I've got this simple floor plan open and I'm going to zoom in over on the right hand side. And let's start with this door right here in this break room. Maybe I want to make sure that this door always maintains a certain distance off of this wall. So if we move the wall, I want the door to move vice versa. At the moment, that's not occurring. So if I were to move this door you could see it moves freely. So I'm going to Control Z to undo that. So to apply such a…
