From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Understanding visibility and graphic controls

Understanding visibility and graphic controls

- [Instructor] The subject of the videos in this chapter is visibility and graphic control, and this video is devoted to a high-level overview of that topic. When contemplating visibility and graphic controls, folks often jump to commands like visibility graphics or hide in view. And this is because often what Revit displays by default in each view is suitable most of the time, and we therefore don't think about it until something is not to our liking. But if you really want to understand what is happening behind the scenes, you cannot start with visibility graphics or any of the other similar tools. This is because the first question you need to address is what, not how. Visibility graphics changes how elements will display in a view, but before its effects kick in, we need to determine what will display in the view. So how do we do that? Don't start with the visibility tools. Instead, start with the view's extents.…
