From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Rotating and aligning a Revit link

Rotating and aligning a Revit link

- [Instructor] When you first link a Revit model into another project, it is often necessary to move and/or rotate it into position to get it to line up properly. So in this video, I'd like to go through that process in detail so that we can move and align things with precision. So what I'm starting with here is my office building, which is visible down in the lower right-hand corner and we're just looking down in the roofs of it in the site plane. And then right here in the middle of the screen, we have this RVT link, which represents the site information. Now, if you're not able to highlight or select this link, just make sure you come over here to the Select dropdown and turn on select links. That will be necessary in order to continue. Now, if I zoom in on this building here, we're looking at the roofs of the building because we're in a site plan and somewhere in this vicinity here is the front door of the…
