From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Creating extrusion roofs

Creating extrusion roofs

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at creating a roof by extrusion. So this is just an alternative way to create a roof that allows you to build the sketch vertically and extrude it at a depth. So let's demonstrate this by creating a little canopy roof over this exterior doorway right here. So we could potentially work right here in 3D but I think it'll be a little bit easier to at least start in an elevation view. So I'm going to double click the east elevation which looks right at this exterior wall here that hosts that door. Now I'm going to go to architecture, click the dropdown on the roof tool and choose roof by extrusion. That will prompt us to select a work plane. Now, this is the first time we're seeing this prompt here and the reason is because we're working vertically, there are a lot of potential work planes that we could draw our sketch on. So the work plane is simply the sketch upon which…
