From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Creating a new family from a template

Creating a new family from a template

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to start a multi-step process to create a custom piece of family content. We're going to create a fully flexible pool table family. And it all starts with creating a new family from scratch, using one of the provided template files. So to get started, I'm going to come over here to the left hand side of my recent file screen and click this new button under families. Make sure you're clicking new under families and not under models. So when we do that, that will display a list of template files that are installed with your system. Now what you see in your list might vary from what I have in mind. It depends on what options you installed at the time of installation of Revit. I'm going to recommend that you either choose the template from the English Imperial folder, or the English folder if you're following along with me. But if you prefer, you can choose the template in any…
