Dans le cours : Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Creating a detail callout

Creating a detail callout

- [Instructor] In this video, this is going to be the first in a multi-step process of creating a construction detail. Now, the process we're going to outline is what I like to call the hybrid detailing process. And by hybrid, I mean that part of the detail will be live model geometry showing through the view. And part of it will be 2D, drafted embellishments that are placed on top of that view in a view specific manner. Now, some may wonder, why we would bother using any 2D detailing. I thought we were doing building information modeling after all shouldn't everything just be part of the model? Now, it's a fair question, but I'd like you to think about that question very carefully. If you just assume that everything should be modeled, what's going to happen is, you're going to find yourself modeling lots of extra detail that won't really yield much benefit when you're done. So you're going to put a lot of extra effort in,…

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