From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding schedule views

Adding schedule views

- In this video, we're going to create a custom Schedule View. Now a Schedule View is a tabular view of the model but it's still a live view of the model. And in a lot of ways, it's not that dissimilar to a floor plan or a section. Let me explain, if we consider what a floor plan is. It is looking at the model, slicing through it at a certain height, gathering up all of the elements that fall within that slice, and then drawing them as a floor plan rendition. What about a section? Well, a section also looks at the overall model, slices it at a location, gathers up the elements within that slice and draws them in a section rendition. So, if we think of a Schedule in the same terms. We're starting from the same model, we're gathering up all of the elements of a particular category and then we're simply listing those elements in a table, instead of drawing them graphically. So in that sense, a Schedule is doing much the…
