From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding levels

Adding levels

- [Instructor] One of the first things you'll do when setting up a new project is establish where your levels are. Revit levels represent the floor levels in your building and can be used to establish any important vertical height. And this includes where each of your floor plans are cut. So to understand your levels, you really need to be working in a view other than a floor plan. So usually you're going to do this in either a section or an elevation, but it could even be in 3D. So what I'm going to do is double-click the South elevation, and this dashed line that you see right here, that is one of the levels, Level 1 in this case. Now the right way to think of that is that that is the edge of a plane that cuts all the way through the building. And an easier way to visualize that plane would be to open up the 3D view. So up here on my quick access toolbar, there is a Default 3D View button. It looks like a little birdhouse.…
