From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding columns

Adding columns

- [Tutor] In this video will add some columns to our model. Now we have two choices of columns to choose from. If you go to the dropdown menu on the Column tool, on the Architecture tab you can see that there is a Structural column and an Architectural column. So I'd like to demonstrate both of these to you starting with the Architectural column. Now I'm working in an exercise file here that has column grids and I'm going to use those to help me with placement but you can actually place your columns anywhere. They do not require column grids. So notice that I'm able to just sort of click any location that I like to place this column. Now, before I get too far I want to make sure that I'm choosing the desired column here. So if we click the type selector on the dropdown, on the properties pallet, you will see that there are three sizes choose the largest size. So if you're working in the Imperial file that's 24 by 24…
