From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding a new sheet

Adding a new sheet

- As you begin working on your document set, you'll run into situations where you need to add a sheet. So, adding a sheet to your set is quite simple. I'm going to scroll down here on the project browser and locate the sheets branch. And, to add a new sheet, we can simply right click directly on the sheets branch and new sheet will be listed right there. That will display the new sheet dialogue. And, typically you will have one or more title blocks listed at the top. So, you can choose whichever title block you want. If you don't see the title block you want in the list, there is a load button here, and you can click that, and browse your hard drive, and load in a title block family. But, in this case, the title block we want should already be here. So, if you're working in imperial, choose E1, and if you're working in metric, choose the A1, and then click okay. And, that's really all there is to it. We've now got a new…
