From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Architecture (Metric)

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Modifying schedule views

Modifying schedule views

- [Narrator] This video we're going to look at a couple ways that we can modify our schedules. So I'm picking up where we left off in the previous video, so if you're unsure on how to create a schedule or to tile the floor plan in the schedule views next to one another, then just go back and review the previous video. So I have my furniture schedule open on the right-hand side and you can see that I've gone ahead and filled in all of the Type Mark values, but if you kind of analyze the list, you can see that it's all just sort of randomly organized. So what I'd like to do is click into the schedules, so I'll just click right on the Title Bar here. And when I do that, the Property's Pallet will adjust to reflect the properties of the schedule. So I'll scroll down and you'll see a series of buttons over here, a series of Edit buttons, that you can click on to configure the schedule. The one right in the middle is called sorting and grouping, so I'll click that and that will display the…
