From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Architecture (Metric)

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Editing elements within the Revit hierarchy

Editing elements within the Revit hierarchy

- [Narrator] In this video I want to give you a first hand look at the Revit element hierarchy So, if you're a little unclear about what I mean by the hierarchy then please review the previous video where we talked about Category, Family, Type, and Instance, but here I just want to give you a firsthand look at that. So, the first thing I want to do is get in a little bit closer so we can kind of see the screen a little bit better over here. So, if you right-click anywhere in the drawing window, you should see a Zoom In Region option right here and what I'm going to do is just simply click and click to create a little rectangular area around this portion of the plan and that will zoom in nice and close on that area and give us a better look at what we have here to work with. Okay, so now I want to show you how you can identify the Category, Family, and Type of any element on screen. So, let's start with one of these walls. If you just move your mouse near the wall, you don't have to…
