From the course: Retail Customer Service Management and Coaching

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Conduct a one-on-one coaching session

Conduct a one-on-one coaching session

- Why are one on one coaching sessions with your young team so important? They are crucial to your success as a manager or supervisor. You young employees are looking for guidance, direction, and skill-building in their careers. This is your opportunity to provide them with what they want and need. When you have productive one on one coaching sessions, your team will work harder, continue to grow and improve, and help you reach your targets. The more often you make time for one on one coaching sessions, the more success you will find with them. It's not always easy with deadlines and busy seasons and customer demands, but once month, once a week, or even once a day, is ideal. When you make time for these sessions, you're management life will change forever. There are thee key components to conducting a successful coaching session with your young employees. First, start each session reviewing the specific goals you have for the employee. Make sure that you're both on the same page as…
