From the course: Recording Sessions in Pro Tools

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Working with tempo

Working with tempo

- [Instructor] All right, we've recorded a great take of Taylor's first verse, and are ready to add some effects and processing to her voice. But first, I want to show you how to set the tempo of our Pro Tools session to match the tempo of our music track. This will ensure that our delays and grid match the tempo of the track and allows for easy editing later. Usually, I set the tempo at the beginning of a session, before starting to record, but for demonstration purposes in this course, I wanted to record some audio first. So we'll have something to apply our effects to after we set our tempo. Let's pull up our Transport window again by going to the Window menu and selecting Transport. You can also press Command or Control and 1 on your number pad if you have one. In order to make sure your Transport window has the necessary options, you can click the menu in the top right corner. It looks like a circle with a…
