From the course: Real-World GIS

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How to get census GIS data

How to get census GIS data - ArcGIS Pro Tutorial

From the course: Real-World GIS

How to get census GIS data

- [Instructor] So we need census GIS data. Now, most countries have a national census by law, and here in the United States, we have a census every 10 years since 1790. Census bureaus today have an almost embarrassment of data richness, so it's very easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of data on these sites. Here on, we want to download our GIS data. Now, typically, I find among all the data sites where I download GIS data, this site changes the most in between visits. So if it looks slightly different than what you see on the video, what you're most interested to find is the category "Geography." Here, I can find that under Topics and Geography. On the Geography page is where you'll find your GIS data layers. If we scroll down, we can find mapping files, and here they are. In this case, we have TIGER/Line Shapefiles, Cartographic Boundary Files, which are KML layers, and TIGER/Line Geodatabases. TIGER…
