From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Using the console as a keyboard

Using the console as a keyboard - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Using the console as a keyboard

- [Instructor] Here's an interesting trick that comes to us from recording "Time's Gone By." In the early years of analog synthesizers getting in the hands of rock bands. Like when The Moogs and Arps and such came out. They were primarily all monophonic instruments, just like this newer Moog that we see here. This meant that they could not play chords, they could only play one note at a time. So if you were wishing to use these synths as a chordal source, how could you do so? You could buy three or more synthesizers, and with several musicians at once, play chords. But that's kind of expensive and rather difficult. Or you could to this, you could use multi track tape, record long passes of each note needed and then use a console to play these notes back. Take a listen to the beginning of Pink Floyd's "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" for an excellent example of this technique. And with a little bit of tuned singing wine glasses…
