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Cardioid and figure 8 mics on acoustic guitar

Cardioid and figure 8 mics on acoustic guitar - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Cardioid and figure 8 mics on acoustic guitar

- [Instructor] I set up this pair of mics for a mid side experiment. See my video Mid Side Mics on Acoustic Guitar. But then I discovered something else, one mic was in cardiod mode, pointing toward the acoustic guitar, and the other was in figure eight, with its two pickup lobes pointing 90 degrees away from the instrument towards the neck and the body. I remember I flipped the polarity of the figure eight mic on the mic preamp while tracking, as it sounded fuller that way. Without the figure eight mic, the cardiod mic sounds fine. (gentle guitar music) But with the figure eight mic mixed in, the sound fills in around the cardiod mic in a really nice way. (gentle guitar music) Listening to the figure eight mic alone, it sounds soft with less pick noise as it's not pointing directly at the instrument. (gentle guitar music) Adding some cardiod mic back into the mix adds focus. This is an interesting trick that I'm going…
