From the course: Quality Standards in Customer Service

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Surveys and service observation

Surveys and service observation

- I recall some jobs over the years where I got a lot of feedback, and others where I got very little. Studies show, and I certainly agree from my experiences, that employees want to know how things are going. So as a manager how do you know what's happening with quality so you that you can share feedback and help employees improve? Let's explore the answer here. Now there are a bunch of ways you can get input. The most common include surveys or focus groups from customers, direct observation, role play, for example, just acting out scenarios in training. There's recorded interactions, mystery shoppers from someone who uses services and then provides a report. There's analytics where system tools analyze speech or text to look for patterns where that may apply. And there's operational data such as repeat calls or products returns. These sources can be categorized as either external, meaning directly from customers,…
