From the course: Quality Standards in Customer Service

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Establishing a key performance indicator

Establishing a key performance indicator

From the course: Quality Standards in Customer Service

Establishing a key performance indicator

- Is it a good idea to establish an overall metric of how things are going? I believe so, but I'd like to offer some cautions. Let's turn to that question here. The rationale behind establishing a key performance indicator, or KPI, is to have an easy way for anyone to see how your organization's doing. To use a sports metaphor, quality standards to find and help guide what you do on the field, the KPI is the score. The three most common metrics used for this are customer satisfaction, net promoter score, and customer effort score. KPIs that reflect customer satisfaction or CSAT as it's often called, are based on the survey question, how would you rate your experience? An advantage is that your organization's probably using this approach now. It's by far the most common. Some companies have years worth of data that serves as a baseline to see relevant trends. The biggest disadvantage is that the methodology's usually…
