From the course: Quality Standards in Customer Service

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Effective standards for individuals

Effective standards for individuals

- [Narrator] Have you ever worked in an environment where what you were supposed to do seemed disconnected from what the company was supposed to be about? That's not engaging for employees and doesn't lead to great service for customers. You can fix that by developing effective, engaging standards for your employees. Let's look at three requirements to ensure that your standards are effective. The first is that they directly reflect your organization's vision, mission, and values. I often use Walt Disney's theme parks as an example. Running a theme park is incredibly difficult, given all the variables that have to go right. Disney's standards are motivating and effective because they make a crystal clear connection between vision and what employees, or in their words, cast members, are supposed to do. When Disneyland was created in the 1955, they described their vision as, "We create happiness." They then developed a simple set of standards. Today, five standards are at work…
