From the course: Qlik Sense Essential Training

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View available data sources

View available data sources - Qlik Sense Tutorial

From the course: Qlik Sense Essential Training

View available data sources

- [Narrator] Qlik Sense summarizes data from a wide variety of sources. Those could be Excel workbooks all the way up to enterprise level collections on Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web services. In this movie I will describe the sources available to you and show you where to go to connect to them. I have run Qlik Sense and I am in the desktop hub. To create a new app, I can click the create new app button, which is here. Then I'll do the name of the app, and in this case I'll call it Kinct-Eco_01, which I haven't created yet, so I click create. It's been created successfully, so I'll press enter to acknowledge open app. And the app opens. On the getting started screen, you can add data from files and other sources. If you have a file that you want to add, you can drag it from your desktop folder into this area. So just open up Windows Explorer or your file manager of choice and drag a files icon into this area. If you want to connect to a web service, or another service that requires…
