From the course: Public Speaking for Non-Native English Speakers

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Speaking anxiety for non-native speakers

Speaking anxiety for non-native speakers

- Managing anxiety is a key aspect of sounding confident. The anxiety that happens psychologically also happens physically. We don't sound confident when our voice shakes, for example, and that's a physical manifestation of anxiety. Now speaking anxiety manifests itself in five ways for non-native speakers. One of these stressors might be greater for you than any other, and you may have more than one that affects you. Let's review all five forms of speaking anxiety so you can decide which ones are more salient for you. Number one, state based anxiety. The room, the configuration, the setup has an effect on us. You may be comfortable communicating via video conference, but once you're in person, when you're looking directly at other people and they're all looking back at you, it changes or vice versa. You might be fine in a conference room, but video conferencing doesn't allow you to read the audience or know if they…
