From the course: Promoting Your Podcast

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Joining podcaster communities

Joining podcaster communities

From the course: Promoting Your Podcast

Joining podcaster communities

- [Narrator] One of the most common questions I get is how do I meet other podcasters? Rather than joining every Facebook podcasting group you can find, I have a much easier way to meet podcasters who are open to interviewing you. Let's learn how to spread the word by joining podcaster communities. Podcast hosts are always looking for guests because just like you, they have to consistently publish podcast content. Thankfully, there are several valuable resources and communities to help podcasters connect with one another. I recommend setting up profiles in the following communities. Within these communities, you can pitch other podcasters and be pitched by them. You will also be able to communicate within the sites or apps so that you don't have to clutter up your email. If you have a budget and want someone to do that pitch work for you, there are agencies including the following who will pitch and book interviews for…
