From the course: Promoting Your Podcast

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Email list management tools

Email list management tools

- [Danny] If you've had bad experiences with email lists before, perhaps you're afraid to start one, because you don't want to annoy people, or you're worried about the tech involved. Let me show you some quick and easy steps to get started by going over tools and resources for starting and managing email lists of your listeners. If you don't have an email list yet, it's very easy to start one. Make a list of your friends, family, and colleagues, and send them this quick email. The subject of the email is, "This may not be for you, but..." And the email is I'm creating a podcast about whatever and thought you might be interested. Can I share some stuff with you? Thanks. That's it. That's the email. If they respond with a yes, then add them to your email list. And to maximize the benefit, follow up with this reply. And here's the email. "Thanks. Really quick, I have two questions. Number one, what is your biggest…
