From the course: Productive Creativity

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Capture all of your ideas

Capture all of your ideas

- You started collecting your inspiration seeds. Now it's time to make it so that you can return to these items as well as capture your ideas that start to sprout from them. To nurture your burgeoning creativity habit, it's important to capture all of your ideas as they come to you. Yes, all of them, whether you feel like they are good or not. Keep yourself from committing ideaside by judging your ideas before you even commit them to paper or whatever medium you use. Upon revisiting them in the future, you may find that they're brilliant and insightful. Make the process easy by always being ready to receive your ideas. They'll appreciate your receptiveness and will come to you more easily as you strengthen your creativity muscles. This creative dose is called inspiration seed saving, doing research, making acute observations and gathering sources of inspiration is the first step to cultivating your creativity habit.…
