From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Using a camera for screencasting

Using a camera for screencasting

- While a video camera isn't a requirement for a screencast, many people feel more connected when they have an opportunity to see the presenter on screen. This just makes it more personal. Well, you have several ways to go about doing this. First up, you can likely use the built-in camera on your laptop, or many computer monitors or all in one computers have these. The problem with that though, is it tends to be a bit of a wider shot, meaning that you're going to see a lot of the office behind you. Additionally, the laptop camera is often in your lap, so it ends up shooting up your nose, which is not usually the best angle for most people. So instead, you need to think about changing this. Maybe you add an external camera that you could put on top of your monitor. This allows you to position it at something a little bit more of eye level. For example, here, I have a web camera, and I could look up into it, and it's…
