From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Exporting video to use in a traditional video editor

Exporting video to use in a traditional video editor

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Exporting video to use in a traditional video editor

- You may find yourself having video files that you want to export from a tool like Camtasia for working in another application. There are several ways to do this, so let me walk you through some of the choices that you'll make, and you'll also find similar export options and other tools. First up, what I'm going to do is make sure that my project settings match my intended delivery. So you'll see here that this project is currently set to 1080p HD. However, you can choose other settings, including going all the way up to 4K if you wanted to export that way. For example, I could temporarily switch to 4K, choose our video file here, and adjust its properties, setting that back to 100%, for example. Now, let's select this video overlay, and just lower it to zero. This way, I have the audio file, and the video file of the screen capture. You can now choose to go to the Export menu and choose to create a local file.…
