From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Exporting an archival copy of your screencast

Exporting an archival copy of your screencast

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Exporting an archival copy of your screencast

- When your project is finished, you may want to create an archive to make sure that all of the elements are gathered up. This is useful so you can come back to the project if necessary to make changes in the future. In Camtasia, you can go into the File menu here and you'll see the ability to export a zipped project. This is going to gather all of the elements together and make it a bit easier to back it up. When I click Save, it pulls everything into a new project. This is quite useful if you've brought in elements from different sources. Maybe you had things such as audio files or graphics that you imported from different locations. You can also use that same menu here to gather things up into a project for Mac. If you're using Camtasia on the Mac, it's very similar, but this will gather what's necessary so the file could be handed off and edited on the Mac OS platform. You could also package everything up and this…
