From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Exporting a screencast for presentation software

Exporting a screencast for presentation software

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Exporting a screencast for presentation software

- If your intended output is for playback from a hard drive, you can go with a higher data rate. This means more information is used to describe the file and leads to a higher visual quality. However, this could be problematic if you're trying to stream the content over a web connection. So only use this higher data rate if you're exporting for playback from a local downloaded file. From the export menu, you could choose to create the local file. Now, what we're going to do is switch over to a custom production setting and click next. You can choose your delivery format. Windows media also works well inside of things like PowerPoint, or you could use the MPEG-4. Let's go with WMV in this case. You'll see that there are different profiles. Best quality and file size is what's recommended and that's going to use adaptive adjustments but we can also go here and choose different preferences. And you can see frame rate 15…
